Search Results for "All England Law Reports"
All England Law Reports Reprint (1558 - 1935) SetRelease Date January 24, 1996This bound major work contains all the cases reported in the All England Reports from 1558 until 1935.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9780406996282Sku code uksku9780406996282AERRMW11286Product code ukprod9780406996282AERRMW11286In Stock£6,058.00
All England Law Reports Set 1936 to DateRelease Date January 01, 2016
The All England Law Reports is a general series of law reports enjoying an unrivalled reputation in all common law jurisdictions.
Publisher 成人影音 ButterworthsISBN/ISSN 9780406996435Sku code uksku9780406996435AERC3668167Product code ukprod9780406996435AERC3668167In Stock£45,425.00 -
All England Law Reports on DVDRelease Date February 29, 1996All England Law Reports on DVD provides full coverage of cases heard by the House of Lords, the Privy Council, both divisions of the Court of Appeal and all divisions of the High Court.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9780406998781Sku code uksku9780406998781AER1MW68203Product code ukprod9780406998781AER1MW68203In Stock£5,794.00
The DIFC Law Reports 2017Release Date January 24, 2020Published in conjunction with the Academy of Law, the DIFC Law Reports 2017 is the second latest edition of the DIFC Courts official law reports in bound form.Publisher 成人影音 ButterworthsISBN/ISSN 9781474310673Sku code uksku9781474310673DICR1782626Product code ukprod9781474310673DICR1782626In Stock£166.99
Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports SetRelease Date January 24, 1994Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports offers expert and accurate reporting of cases on a wide range of areas such as medical negligence, consent to treatment, National Health Service administrative and employment law, pharmaceutical products, quantum damages, mental health and the conduct of medical bodies.Publisher 成人影音 ButterworthsISBN/ISSN 9780406440006Sku code uksku9780406440006MLRMW29590Product code ukprod9780406440006MLRMW29590In Stock£14,490.00
Harvey and Employment Law Service on CD-ROMRelease Date May 01, 1996It includes the full text of all relevant statutes, statutory instruments and codes of practice, set out in full.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9780406998828Sku code uksku9780406998828BEMW68482Product code ukprod9780406998828BEMW68482In Stock£3,089.00
LexisPSL Private ClientRelease Date August 31, 2011LexisPSL Private Client provides a full range of practical materials designed for online and grouped together by topic to mirror the way you work.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN Z000050490751Sku code ukskuZ000050490751PSLC1954031Product code ukprodZ000050490751PSLC1954031In Stock
Butterworths Human Rights Cases SetRelease Date December 31, 1996Butterworths Human Rights Cases Set is a major reporting series, which monitors developments in the protection of human rights and freedoms across a wide range of jurisdictions.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9780406890221Sku code uksku9780406890221HRCMW29610Product code ukprod9780406890221HRCMW29610In Stock£8,165.00
All England European Cases Set 1995 to dateRelease Date March 14, 2000The All England European Cases Set comprises all the yearly bound volumes of reports of the Court of Justice and the General Court of the European Union in cases arising from all EU jurisdictions.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9780406931580Sku code uksku9780406931580AEECMW68165Product code ukprod9780406931580AEECMW68165In Stock£4,597.00
The Times Law Reports Bound Vol 2013Release Date March 19, 2014
This special bound volume of the Times Law Reports contains all the cases featured in 2013 in one volume.
The reports comprise brief introductions to the cases and the salient points of the judgments, covering every branch of the law from a wide range of jurisdictions including the courts of England and Wales and Scotland, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the International Court of Justice in The Hague.Publisher LNUKISBN/ISSN 9781405789332Sku code uksku9781405789332TLR0554975Product code ukprod9781405789332TLR0554975In Stock£625.00