Employer consequences of share schemes

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Employer consequences of share schemes

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

There are a number of different consequences that can arise for employers as a result of introducing and operating employee share incentive arrangements, some beneficial and some costly.

There may be an opportunity to obtain corporation tax relief on payments in the form of shares. This relief might also extend to the cost of implementing and running share schemes.

Companies are also obliged to account for PAYE in respect of employee share awards in certain circumstances and on certain ‘chargeable events’ in relation to employment-related shares.

Finally, companies that employ individuals who benefit from share schemes must budget for any employer’s NIC liability that might arise. This represents a real cost though in some circumstances it may be passed on to the employee.

This guidance note does not consider the implications of the disguised remuneration legislation since this is looked at in detail elsewhere (see the Disguised remuneration ― overview guidance note) and is only peripheral to employee share arrangements.


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